We all have had to face the challenges with managing our finances and money as adults solely because we did not receive the right money management lessons at the right time as adolescents. An essential life skill like money management can go a long way in building savings-conscience among the youth and thus allow them to nurture an awareness of their spending habits.
In recent years government, regulators, educators, financial experts and social change makers have realised the significance of financial literacy and are now encouraging provision of financial literacy for children across schools. Thereby, financial literacy and money management skills are being introduced as key life skill in academic curriculum. and hence our government has begun this life skill in their academic curriculum which will nurture them from an early age and create a strong foundation. This has resulted in the Introduction of the Summer School of Financial Literacy by Finsaarthi Learning Solutions. The curriculum for the program has been made by experienced industry veterans with subject-matter expertise.
Post Covid our country is seeing tremendous opportunities and growth which is helping us to brand globally and move towards robust development in all areas of the world economy. Introduction to the startup culture and an increasing number of unicorns have made it compulsory for an individual to be more responsible and accountable towards money and its management. Thus Financial Literacy at a young age helps an individual to move ahead and progress in life as an informed investor who has the ability to take his own financial decisions and learn the art of wealth creation.
College days are the time when we really understand the importance of money and we try to save as much as we can from the pocket money we get. Most of us get our first income during this time and the wheel of earning starts from this age. This is the only time when an individual can start his or her wealth creation process or start spending on all the unwanted materialistic things and creating their own pitfall of debt. Finsaarthi Learning Solutions would like to help each and every individual to understand the wealth creation process and develop financial money management skills at a young age by the means of Financial Literacy Programs.